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The High Priestess by Amanda Lindupp


Who we are.​


​The Coven of the Sacred Path, came into being​ during 2017. Its founders and  working partners are  Amanda and Trevor. Both of whom have honoured the Gods within a  Pagan Ritual practice since the early 1990's.​Both of us were drawn to the Craft in order to apprehend a structured way of working. Engaging within the Alexandrian mystery tradition with  its history and its current of magick. After both receiving their  initiations from the High Priest and High Priestess of the Coven of the Sacred Wellhead,  working with that Coven for seven years, we hived off to form our own group. The Coven of the Sacred Path, which came into being during 2017. Our lineage is that of the Sacred line, The Sacred line itself  being a branch of Silvers line of the Alexandrian Wiccan tradition. Below are the Elders of the Coven.



​​The High Priestess​:

Amanda as well as being High Priestess of The Coven of the Sacred Path, is also an artist specialising in Pagan topics. She is currently working on a Tarot deck,  The Sacred Path Tarot. She draws influence from her experience of Ritual, Magick, and the Occult world. She has found within initiatory Wica  an infinite scope to apprehend the The Gods of the Craft, through the workings of the the Wiccan system, its training and Rites.


​​The High Priest:

​Trevor has an affinity for history, from modern histories of Wica, to the Paganisms and philosophies of the ancient world. He has a love of poetry and art that incorporate divine imagery that inspire and enthuse one within the Craft. He has found the Wica to be what he believes, as being like a theurgical , mystery tradition, drawing its ideas from the past to the modern world.​​​​​​


A High Priestess:

Dina who has been with us from the early days of the Covens inception. Having previously worked in Poland with an Alexandrian Coven of our lineage, then our Mother Coven and now us. Her natural abilities as a Witch, her love of deep Ritual, her draw on varying cultures and psychologies as well as Magick, all aid her and combine in her love of the Craft.



Horned God by Amanda Lindupp
The Rams Head
The Coven of the Sacred Path

All Artwork is © to
Amanda Lindupp
of Sacredpathart

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