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The Autumn Equinox...


The scales have now tipped and the Autumn Equinox has now been and past. The dark nights draw in at the ember days of the year.

A favourite time for us, a time to look back over the summer, with its heady scents and getting out into nature.

Each Ritual we work is rather like a friend revisited at certain times of the year. Our experiences, our knowledge gained, our feelings as the dawning of the chill, crispness in the air alerts us to the seasons shift...and of course in England the rain!!

All these elements may add to the flavour of the Rites of the Sabbat. These elements, the Gods that have come to us aid us, along with what we have learned of the Craft, its books, its oral lore, we all build upon. This building up all adds layers to our Alexandrian Rites. It is, of course an oath~bound tradition, so the specifics cannot be gone into, likewise photographs of our actual Rituals and Altars we do not show. It is after all a mystery religion and despite much of the craft having been discussed openly and written about in books, that mystery is maintained.

The Autumn Equinox is really the first of the Dark Rites that portend the Winter to come. The dark edge of the coming days is celebrated in the Craft, the light has to be balanced as we descend at the Summers end. The Horned Lord retreats to the Forest and into the depths, to await the Goddess.

Our Rites done.....



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