An Alexandrian Coven
​​​​What is Wicca? .........
Wicca, or more properly The Wica, as originally termed, is an initiatory, magickal tradition of the Pagan revival that draws its elements from Paganism, Folklore, Ceremonial Magick and of course Witchcraft.
The two main branches of initiatory Witchcraft are The Alexandrian and Gardnerian traditions.
Often termed the Craft, or sometimes British Traditional Wicca (BTW). The Alexandrian tradition was born out of Gerald Gardners Craft, that had coalesced around a group of friends in the New Forest. Alex Sanders, the Alexandrian crafts founder adding a few inovations along the way. That being said they are considered the same religion or practice.
As Alexandrian witches we are lineaged back to Alex Sanders, who along with his partner Maxine popularised the craft after the death of Gerald Gardner, the founding father of the Wica. In the late 1960's and early 1970's Alex and Maxine were part of the zeitgeist of their age. The press at the time ever seeking stories of Witchcraft, often to shock their readers. Conversely many seekers were drawn to the Craft through such newspaper articles and images of modern Witches working their Rites.
Our lineage consists of those who initiated us, back to their initiators and so on, in a familial line of descent back to the early founders of the Wica.
As an initiated member of a Coven you will partake in this history, treading the Rites of those who have gone before, learning the crafts ways, exploring magick and engaging in the mysteries of the Great Goddess and the Horned God.
Those wishing to follow this Path are inducted into a Priestess/Priest-hood that involves learning the ways of the Craft and of Magick.
Upon entering a initiatory witchcraft coven one engages in the mystery tradition of The Great Goddess and Her consort The Horned Lord, respectively of life and death, the mysteries of the Gods, their Rites, elements and symbols as passed down to us through the craft. The term Mystery in the context of Wica, are the way our Rites open the individual up spiritually. This is achieved by apprehending the ineffable, through the shared experience of Ritual that engages with the natural world, to the magickal realms of the divine, from the physical to the transcendental, ascending naturally, through varying techniques to altered states of consciousness. These Rites are shared by the community of both Alexandrian and the Gardnerian Craft. With only minor differences between both traditions. They connect us to a shared inheritance, although each Coven will expand on the core Rituals, accentuating the tradition with their own flavour. This only being done when the the Wiccan Book of Shadows has been learnt and worked, never taking away what has been passed down from that Book, the Elders and the oral lore of the Craft.
These Rituals are reflected in the rhythms of the natural world, the ebb and flow of the waxing and waning Moon, and the Solar seasonal Rites of the Sun and its influence upon the earth. The Lunar Ritual workings, or Esbats honour and work with the Goddess, her energy and the ways of Magick. The Solar Festivals or Sabbats follow an eight fold cycle, or wheel of the year, where the God and Goddess are honoured along with Gods favoured by the Coven in a seasonal round of rites and workings.
The way for those who decide to follow this journey, along the sacred path, are punctuated by three initiations proper.
These initiations are markers in ones progress of honouring the Gods of the craft, gaining proficiency in the rites and the workings of magick.
Additionally our Alexandrian line has a preliminary Neophyte Grade, that enables the individual to understand the commitments of being in a Coven, prior to any full initiation.
The time of a Neophyte is a time to acculturate to Wica, to see if you fit within the Coven environment, gaining a flavour of Coven life before committing to the First degree, which upon being attained in the Alexandrian system, the seeker becomes a Witch.
The three initiations as well as being markers on ones journey within the Wica, open one up to the mysteries as transformative rites on a metaphysical level.
Wica as a tradition is open to all, that of course being subject to a compatibility of the seeker with the Coven, irrespective of gender, gender identity, race, sexuality. Whilst Wiccan Covens are presided over by the Great Goddess and Horned God, we also believe , honour and work with a multiplicity of Gods, which do, and should reflect all aspects of life in its diversity. As such each individual within a Coven adds their persona to the group, with a view to enriching our collective workings. As covens are intimate groups, it behoves the new member to fit within the existing Coven environment for the benefit of the whole, and that all will get along, working towards their own and the covens goals of magick and enlightenment.
If you feel drawn to Wica, seek to join our Coven, or would like to ask any questions regarding the Craft, feel free to contact us. Amanda and Trevor the High Priestess and High Priest of The Coven of the Sacred Path at:
Blessed Be~ we look forward to hearing from you.